Each apartment is furnished with: Self-cleaning electric range, frost-free refrigerator and ice maker, over-the-hood microwave, dishwasher, Smoke detectors/sprinkler system 24-hour Emergency Alert System, TV/antenna cable outlet, telephone outlets, safety bars in each bathroom, Individual storage area, carpeting and window treatments
2 bedroom 2 bath 1331 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,247
Additional Persons-$85
2 bedroom 1 bath 928 sq ft
Click here to view floor plan - 1 bath
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $997
Additional Persons-$85
2 bedroom 2 bath 998 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,002
Additional Persons-$85
2 bedroom 1 bath 1050 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,073
Additional Persons - $85
1 bedroom 1 bath 712 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $879
Additional Persons - $85
2 bedroom 1 bath 1180 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,156
Additional Persons - $85
2 bedroom 2 bath 1180 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,158
2 bedroom 1 bath 1070 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,099
Additional Persons-$85
2 bedroom 2 bath 1070 sq ft
Monthly Operating Fee/Single Occupancy $1,102
Additional Persons-$85
Monthly operating fee and lease rate includes: 24-hour security, complete maintenance of apartment, planned activities, property insurance, library, yard maintenance, exercise room, water and sewer, once-a-month housecleaning, Suddenlink cable TV and high speed internet
APARTMENT #101 Two bedroom, two bath, 1180 sq ft with garage and washer and dryer. The asking price is $95,000.00 and is negotiable. MOF for one person is $1163.00
APARTMENT #102 Two bedroom, one bath, 928 sq ft with garage. Asking $84,100.00. Monthly operating fee for one person is $997.00 plus $5.00 Garage Fee.
APARTMENT #106 Two bedroom, one bath, 928 sq ft with garage and washer and dryer. Just reduced to $84,999.00 Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $997.00 plus $5.00 Garage Fee.
APARTMENT #217 Two bedroom, two bath, 1331 sq ft with a washer and dryer and a garage. Asking price is $100,000.00. Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $1247.00 plus $5.00 Garage Fee.
APARTMENT #222 Two bedroom, one bath, new washer and dryer, has office and a garage.1070 sq ft. Newly remodeled shower and will leave some furniture if you like. Monthly Operating Fee is $1,099.00 for one person plus $5.00 Monthly Garage Fee. Asking price is just reduced to $97,000.00.
APARTMENT #310 One bedroom, one bath, 712 sq ft. Asking price is just reduced to $55,000.00. Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $879.00.
APARTMENT #315 Two bedroom, two bath, 1,180 sq ft. Includes a washer and dryer and a garage. just reduced to $100,000.00 with a Monthly Operating Fee for one person $1,158.00 plus a $5.00 Garage Monthly Fee
APARTMENT #320 One bedroom, one bath, 712 sq ft. Asking price is $44,000.00. Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $879.00.
APARTMENT #324 Two bedroom, two bath, 1070 sq ft. Includes a hook up for washer/dryer. Asking $105,000.00. Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $1,102.00.
APARTMENT #304 One bedroom, one bath, 712 sq ft. Just reduced to $42,500.00. Monthly Operating Fee for one person is $879.00 OR lease for $1200.00 per month.
APARTMENT #206 Two bedroom, one bath 928 sq ft. Has a washer and dryer and a garage. Lease price is $1,416.00 per month for one person.
Apartment #220 One bedroom, one bath 712 sq ft. Lease price for one person is $1196.00 per month.
We do have a waiting list fee of $500.00 if you would be interested in being notified of any thing available coming up.
Contact us at 806-655-1712.
Minimum age to live here is 45.
Physicians form stating person is capable to live independently and we do background checks on all employees and residents.
All potential residents must be approved by our Board of Directors
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Independent Living for Ages 45 & Up